Welcome to the website of Matthias Dörfler!

I studied geosciences and geology from 2013 to 2020 and obtained my Master’s degree this year.

My focus areas are rock mechanics and numerical methods.

During my education at the University of Freiburg I was able to gather a broad set of skills which are essential for any geologist, such as field mapping, thin section analysis, sediment logging or working with GIS applications. Additionally, my work as a research assistant enabled me to get an in-depth knowledge about several specialized machines relevant to geologists and geoscientists.

You can find a complete overview of my skills alongside with some neat pictures here.

Fieldtrips are without doubt the best part of studying geology. Here, friendships are made, rocks are collected and of course they provide the opportunity to learn much more about geology than one could ever hope to learn from lectures. I can consider myself lucky to have been on plenty awesome excursions covering a wide range of geological topics and I’m happy to share some pictures from these adventures here.

The destinations include the Alps, Fuerteventura, Norway & Sweden, the Ore mountains, the Isle of Elba, the french Jura mountains, and even a cruise in the arctic ocean!

I firmly believe that the future of geology is digital. Already, working as a geologist or geoscientist without the help of computers is unimaginable. I consider myself to be part of the avantgarde, pushing for a more extensive use of numerical methods and routinely write my own code to solve my geological problems. My programming language of choice is MATLAB, followed by Python and C# . I’m currently learning C++ and CUDA for highly efficient simulations and data processing.