Curriculum Vitae


Name: Matthias Dörfler
Born: 05.11.1993 in Augsburg, Germany

Profession: Geologist

picture of Matthias Dörfler


  • 2017 - 2020: University of Freiburg (MSc)
    • MSc programme in geology, with the focus areas rock mechanics, geodynamics and geological hazards
    • Master's degree obtained in August 2020. Total grade: 1.1
    • MSc thesis "Investigating rock pulverization in naturally and experimentally deformed carbonates"
  • 2018: University of Tromsø (MSc)
    • Erasmus+ semester in northern Norway
    • Focusing on marine and structural geology
  • 2013 - 2017: University of Freiburg (BSc)
    • BSc programme in geosciences
    • Bachelor's degree obtained in 2017. Total grade: 1.6 (1.0 being the best and 5.0 being failed)
    • BSc thesis "Peak-ring formation in large impact craters: insight from analogue modelling"
  • 2004 - 2012: Holbein Gymnasium Augsburg
    • general qualification for university entrance obtained in 2012
    • Final grade: 1.6
    • chief editor for the award winning student newspaper "Irrational" (2009 - 2012)



  • 2016 - present: Research assistant at the University of Freiburg
    • Lab work involving the following instruments
      • Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar
      • Uni- and triaxial rock press
      • White light interferometer
  • 2016 - present: Student assistant at the University of Freiburg
    • Correcting students homework in the classes:
      • Modelling & Data analysis
      • Geophysics
    • Giving an introductory tutorial in MATLAB programming
  • 2016: Two-week paid internship at Terratec Geophysical Services
    • working on a EU-funded project (HiTech AlkCarb)
    • fieldwork at the Kaiserstuhl volcano near Freiburg involving geoelectric measurements
  • 2013 : Work & Travel in western Canada
    • Four months of exploring mostly British Columbia
  • 2012 - 2013: fulltime work in the office of a local cinema
    • low level administrative work to earn money for the abovementioned travel to Canada



  • German (native)
  • English (C2)
  • French (B1+)
  • Norwegian (B1)

Computer Skills:

  • Industry relevant: ArcGIS, ImageJ, Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop, Autodesk Fusion 360 (CAD)
  • Programming languages: MATLAB (excellent knowledge), Python (intermediate), C# (basics), C++ (basics)
  • Webdesign: WordPress, HTML, CSS, a bit of PHP
  • Operating systems: Windows 7 & 10, Mac OS, Debian
  • Other PC-skills:  Microsoft Office, Visual Studio, GoogleEarth Pro, LaTex, Davinci Resolve (video editing), PowerShell, FTP, SSH, task scheduler, IT security
  • Electronics: µ-Processors (e.g. Arduino), soldering, basic circuitry, Raspberry Pi
  • proficient in 10-finger writing
  • I can build PCs and possibly fix them

Volunteer engagement:

Helper at the THW (Federal Agency for Technical Relief)

Personal interests:

Creative writing, archery, video production for YouTube, swimming, hiking & camping, reading, science, philosophy, photography